
Terms and conditions

Conditions for Providing Support

When care goes beyond offering information or giving advice, I, as a caregiver, am bound by several laws and rules that apply in the field of assistance. Personally, I believe that the way we interact with each other should be as clear as possible. We discuss this during our initial meeting. At the start of the care, you will also receive the agreements and terms so that you can review everything and agree to the way we will work together.

Information at the Beginning

Practice van Grevenstein provides care to (young) adults aged 18 and older under the Health Insurance Act. I am contracted by various health insurance companies. If you want to know whether your health insurance falls under this, please check this page.

At the beginning of the treatment, I require a valid referral letter from a (general practitioner) doctor and your agreement to the "conditions for providing support". The referral letter is a requirement from the health insurance company. The referral letter must be dated on or before the start date and must not be older than 9 months.

Referral Letter Check:
- The referral should be prescribed by a (general practitioner) doctor.

What should be on the referral
- Name, address, AGB code, and function of the referrer
- An (electronic) signature and/or a practice stamp
- A date (maximum 9 months before the start of treatment and at least on the day of the first appointment)
- A clear reason for the referral and a suspicion of DSM-5 related complaints/diagnosis
- Name, address, date of birth, and registration number of the insured (yourself)
- Optionally: a brief description of the complaint/nature of the condition.

Treatment Plan

During the intake (first and second appointments), we discuss your complaints together and I ask you many questions to clarify how we can understand the complaints and to consider what treatment is suitable. In consultation, we decide how to address your complaints and which methods and techniques are suitable. I base this on the question you have asked. Once we agree on the question and the goals you are working towards, we create the treatment plan together. A plan helps us focus on your recovery. It is important that we also adhere to the agreements in the plan. Of course, it can always be adjusted if we find that it's not working well. It's important to add that I work according to the guidelines/healthcare standards of the GGZ and use proven treatment methods and techniques.

Privacy, Information Exchange, and Records

I record data about you and, if necessary, others involved in our collaboration (such as parents, partners, or mentors, etc.) in an electronic file (EPD). I always do this in consultation with you. I treat data confidentially as specified in the Privacy Regulation and the law and regulations (WGBO, Wbp, Healthcare Professions Act).

This means that I cannot exchange information about you and your treatment with others without your consent. If information needs to be exchanged, I always ask for your permission. In case of acute insecurity or a calamity, I am authorized to bypass consultation or seeking prior permission. Of course, you will be informed about this. Additionally, the following organizations are informed as a standard procedure:

- The referrer, usually the general practitioner: That you have registered with the practice, the diagnosed condition, and in broad terms, the goal and progress of the treatment and/or diagnostics, and the possible need for referral.
- The health insurance company for financing purposes.
- Safety First

Your well-being is a priority for me. If I detect any insecurity, we discuss this together, and I strive to advise you on it and/or tackle these problems together. Sometimes, it is necessary for me to refer you to someone who can help you better than I can.

In cases of suspected abuse or neglect, I discuss concerns with you first if possible. In severe situations, where I believe that insufficient improvement can be achieved with my support or if the situation is acutely dangerous, I can report to Veilig Thuis (Safe at Home) or contact your general practitioner, for example, to share the concerns. The procedure for complaints is regulated in the Complaints Regulation, which you can find in the Practice.

In the event of a calamity, I report to the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate, and/or the municipality.
I work according to the child abuse/domestic violence reporting code.
Also, in situations of concern (concerns about danger to yourself or others), I can take action towards the general practitioner or the crisis service.
You can read more about confidentiality on the following website: https://jongpit.nl/geheimhoudi...

Access to Your File

After submitting a written request for access, you have the right to access your own file. More information about this can be found in the Privacy Regulation. If you want to know exactly what rights you have, you can read this on the website of the Personal Data Authority:

Collaborating with Respect

I do my best to work with respect for your cultural background, beliefs, religion, norms, values, and choices. I do not tolerate discrimination, threats, or violence. Considering safety and respect, if you, parents, or those involved carry a weapon, adopt an aggressive violent attitude, or there's a strong suspicion of this, I will not engage in a conversation.

Complaints Procedure

Mistakes are made everywhere people work, and unfortunately, I'm no exception. If you have a complaint about these (alleged) mistakes or decisions, as a client or party concerned, you can file a complaint. If you have a complaint, you should first contact me as the therapist. If it concerns a confidential matter between us or we cannot resolve it together, you can also directly contact the complaints officer of the NIP (Dutch Institute of Psychologists). Details about this can be found on the website at the bottom of each page under additional information (complaints and confidant).


You can contact me by email or phone outside of office hours. I aim to respond within 2 days. I assume that you only call if it is absolutely necessary. It's also important not to share privacy-sensitive information via text, app, or email! If it's necessary to send me information, you can do so via ZIVVER (https://www.zivver.com). Here you can create a free account and securely send emails with sensitive information.

In life-threatening situations, direct danger, or insecurity, you should always contact 112.

I do not provide crisis shelter or crisis help and cannot organize this. Only referring parties, such as a general practitioner, CJG (Youth and Family Center), neighborhood team, or Youth and Family Protection / Safe at Home in your region can refer for crisis help. I am reachable for consultation during a crisis.

In a crisis, you can call:

- Ambulante Spoed Hulp (ASH) (between 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM): 088 243 43 43
- Crisis admission in Jongeren Crisis Centrum (JCC) (also outside office hours): 088 243 44 94
- For psychiatric (JGGZ) crisis between 5:00 PM and 8:30 AM the following morning, you should contact the general practitioner's office. They can involve

For psychiatric crises between 5:00 PM in the evening and 8:30 AM the following morning, contact should be made with the general practitioner's office. They can involve the GGZ crisis service in acute situations. If there is no referring party, in case of a crisis, contact should be made with the national phone number: 0800-2000 www.vooreenveiligthuis.nl.

During intake and throughout the treatment, crisis sensitivity and insecurity are constantly monitored to promptly refer to appropriate care.

Financial Obligations

I am an independent practice. Sometimes clients pay for care themselves, while in most situations, funding is arranged through health insurance or the municipality. You will receive the relevant financial information at the start. You can stop the collaboration at any time, and the costs will stop immediately. On my part, I can cease support if you do not adhere to financial obligations and agreements.

Appointment Cancellations/No Show

Canceling an appointment is allowed, but please do so on time! If you do it 24 hours in advance, no charges will be incurred. Cancellations can be done by phone (leave a voicemail) or email.

For appointments canceled less than 24 hours in advance, a fee of €90 will be charged. You cannot submit these costs to your health insurance or the municipality.

For not showing up for an appointment without a valid reason (No-Show), a fee of €125 will be charged. You cannot submit these costs to your health insurance or the municipality.


Scientific research is important to continue providing good care. Much of what we know about treatment and diagnostics is thanks to scientific research. This means that psychologists like us need to keep developing ourselves, and contributing to scientific research is necessary to provide good care. If I want to use data for study or research purposes, I will always ask for your permission first. I never use your data without proper consent.

Your Opinion Counts!

I am constantly working on improving my service and therefore would like to know what you think about my approach and our collaboration. I do this by asking you about your experience with our collaboration at the end and during the process. I usually use a questionnaire for this at the end.

Routine Outcome Measurements (ROM)

At the start and end of a process, you will receive a questionnaire that assesses your symptoms and their severity. This is called a Routine Outcome Measurement (ROM). This measurement shows any changes, aiming to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. The questionnaire for this purpose is sent via email with a link. With this data, we can measure the progress of the treatment and observe how the symptoms develop or decrease. It can also help me as a therapist to assess the quality of my treatments by comparing the initial and final measurements of multiple clients to determine if my treatments are sufficiently effective.

Care Performance Model, Care Typifications, and HoNOS+

Everyone is unique, but different people share common traits. A diagnosis needs to be made, but it doesn't say much about how much care someone needs. The care typification is a classification of groups of people who seek care based on the quantity and severity of their complaints and problems.

In independent practice, mainly treatments related to care types 1 to 8 are provided. Generally, care types 1 to 4 (sometimes 5 and 7) are treated in generalist basic mental health care (GBGGZ), while care types 5 and higher are usually treated in specialized mental health care (GGZ).

I, as the coordinating therapist, determine the care typification. I use a prescribed questionnaire called HoNOS+ for this purpose. I fill out this questionnaire as the therapist based on your complaints and problems.

Based on the answers to HoNOS+, I determine which care type best fits your complaints and problems. This provides information about the expected treatment approach, which must also be indicated on the treatment invoice. You can find more information about HoNOS+ on my website, and you can also read about how you can ensure your data is not provided to the health insurer or NZA.