Who I Am
In order to collaborate effectively, I believe it's important for you to know who you're dealing with when considering joining my practice. I place a high value on personal care and believe that a good connection between you and me can be beneficial. On this page, you can learn a bit about me and my background.
My name is Patricia. I have a French/Dutch background and am not married, but I've been living together with my partner for 33 years. Together, we have two adult sons. I also have a dog. In my free time, I enjoy cooking elaborate meals, always have music playing (preferably some lively rock, soul, or funk), and I create art. For instance, the images on the website are my own creations.
My background is diverse, starting from art school, then moving through education as a teacher and an educational support coordinator, ultimately leading me to the mental healthcare field. I have 30 years of experience working with people, as a mother, teacher, leader, and as a Clinical Psychologist. Over the past 15 years, I've focused primarily on psychological counseling and continuously expanded my skills in this area. I am trained in diagnostics and techniques such as EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
All of these backgrounds serve me well in my role as a Clinical Psychologist/Psychotherapist. Being creative, having experience in various sectors, and possessing knowledge of psychological processes and therapeutic techniques allow me to take a broad perspective and find the path to recovery alongside you. Additionally, I also draw from my own life experiences, which can aid in understanding your situation.
In addition to my private practice, I also work as a Clinical Psychologist/Psychotherapist at the IVP (Trauma Treatment) and I'm involved with the expertise treatment team LVB at the "Stichting de Linde" foundation.
My motivation for working in healthcare stems from my curiosity about people and the various ways they perceive, structure, and experience life. Your genetic makeup, the environment in which you grow up, and the opportunities or challenges you encounter within it shape your existence. Being able to contribute to your recovery and enhancing your resilience is incredibly valuable to me. My intention is to honor who YOU are, as you thrive best when you're allowed to be and do what you are.